
My name is Marta. I am a very tenacious dreamer who looks for beauty to tell stories through photographs.

I absolutely love using natural light, capturing the emotion and delicacy of little details, and also getting involved in the whole creative process: choosing the place, the style, the clothes … I believe that each element deserves to be taken care of in order to get high quality images.

People that know me well say that I am a warm person. In fact, connecting with others – adults, kids, and babies – makes me the happiest.

I identify with both the lifestyle portrait and also with the fine art current in which natural textures with soft and harmonized tones predominate; it is based on a romantic aesthetic inspired by analogic photography.

Welcome to my website! If what you have read so far about me has put a smile on your face and you identify with my style, I will love to know more about you and your personal story.







Sóc la Marta, una somiadora tenaç que, amb la càmera a les mans, busco la bellesa per explicar històries.

M’apassiona jugar amb la llum natural, captar l’emoció i la delicadesa en els detalls i també implicar-me en tot el procés creatiu: escollir el lloc, l’estil, la roba… crec que cada element mereix ser cuidat per aconseguir imatges de qualitat que aconsegueixin emocionar.

Diuen de mi que sóc molt propera i és que tractar amb les persones – adults, nens, bebès – em fa feliç.

Em sento identificada amb el retrat lifestyle i també amb la corrent artística del fine art en la qual predominen les textures naturals, amb tons suaus i harmonitzats, basada en una estètica romàntica que s’inspira en la fotografia analògica.

Benvinguts a la meva web! Si el que heu llegit sobre mi us ha despertat un lleuger somriure i us agrada el meu estil, no dubteu en escriure’m per explicar-me la vostra història. Estaré encantada de conèixer-vos i saber més de vosaltres.

Una abraçada,


MY CLIENTS (weddings)

They are couples who look for an authentic and genuine celebration that reflects their personality.

They dream of sharing an emotive and fun wedding with their family members and closest friends in a cozy place.

They want an unforgettable memory of this special day, with natural and careful photographs that are able transmit their emotions and the most subtle details.


They are families that have thousands of images of their children on their phones, but they value the quality of a professional portrait that lasts for a lifetime on quality paper.

Whether it is your pregnancy, the first months of your baby, or the entire family… Any time is ideal to celebrate and share these unique memories with the people who love you the most.


C/ Muralla Sant Domènec
nº13, 2n 2a
08241 Manresa